A general dentist is skilled at treating a wide range of dental issues and problems. They are often able to identify early symptoms of oral health issues like gum disease and tooth decay before they become serious. They can also provide routine dental exams and cleanings, X-rays, and dental fillings. The services offered by general and family dentistry are essential for maintaining good oral health. Regular checkups and cleanings can help detect and treat any issues at an early stage, preventing the need for costly interventions. Furthermore, family and general dentists are able to offer a range of services that are covered by insurance.
Preventive care
General and family dentists focus on preventive care, which consists of routine dental checkups and cleanings. They also perform restorative treatments like dental fillings and root canals.
They use X-rays and other diagnostic tools to examine the mouth and identify potential problems, such as tooth decay or gum disease. They also perform professional cleanings to remove plaque and tartar buildup, preventing tooth decay and gum disease.
It is important to practice good oral hygiene at home, including brushing twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and flossing every night in a U-shaped motion. It is also advisable to avoid smoking and limiting alcohol intake, which can contribute to oral health issues. Persistent bad breath (halitosis) is a sign of an underlying dental or health problem and should be addressed promptly.
Personalized treatment
General and family dentists are able to provide comprehensive oral care for individuals of all ages. They treat a wide range of dental conditions and work with patients to promote good oral hygiene practices. They also offer a variety of cosmetic treatments such as teeth whitening.
Family and general dentists are skilled in identifying early signs of dental problems. They can then recommend the appropriate treatment to prevent the onset of severe issues such as gum disease.
Gum disease
Gum disease is a serious concern for many adults. It is caused by the same bacteria that lead to plaque, and it damages the gum tissue and the bone that supports your teeth. It is often painless, so it can go unnoticed until the advanced stages, when symptoms like bleeding during brushing or sensitivity appear.
While it is not completely curable once the process begins, a general dentist can stop it from getting worse. They can teach patients proper brushing and flossing, as well as offer supplemental devices to help them remove more bacteria from their teeth. It is also important to avoid smoking and drinking excessively, as these habits contribute to gum disease. The bacteria that are released during these activities can travel through the bloodstream to the heart and brain, increasing the risk for serious health conditions.
Tooth loss
General dentists focus on preventative dental care, including regular checkups and professional cleanings. They also use X-rays to examine the health of a patient’s teeth and gums and identify potential problems.
They teach patients proper brushing and flossing techniques and help them make healthy dietary choices. This education empowers families to take control of their oral health, reducing the risk of future dental problems.
Family and general dentistry also includes restorative procedures like dental fillings, crowns, bridges, and dentures. They use these restorations to repair broken or decayed tooth structures, improve the function of dentition, and enhance a patient’s smile. They can also offer a range of aesthetic dental treatments like teeth whitening. These options improve a patient’s self-esteem and overall dental health. Moreover, these treatments can address underlying issues like gum disease and dry mouth syndrome.
Cosmetic dentistry
Many people would like to improve the look of their teeth. This can be done through cosmetic dentistry. Cosmetic dentists use methods such as dental bonding, veneers, and crowns to alter the appearance of the teeth and gums. They can also treat crooked teeth, discoloration, and other issues.
Cosmetic dentistry is typically elective, and not covered by insurance. However, it can help restore a lost tooth or repair a broken jaw.
General and family dentists focus on preventing and treating oral diseases and injuries. Preventive care includes regular exams (including x-rays), professional cleanings, and fitting mouth guards. It can also include treatments for gingivitis and more serious conditions such as periodontitis. This type of dentistry also includes filling cavities and performing root canals. It can also involve removing damaged or dead teeth and fitting dentures.